Educational Effectiveness

Educational Effectiveness at BTS

BTS is committed to making faithful theological education accessible to learners everywhere, equipping leaders for Christ’s church.  The following data provides information about the success of our students.

Student Testimonials:

Dr. Tremaine Davis, BTS Graduate (MABC and DMin in Biblical Counseling)
Rick Hutchinson, BTS MDiv Graduate
Jeph Guinan, BTS MDiv Graduate

Student Course Evaluations

Every student in every class is asked to evaluate the course, the professor, and the impact BTS is having on their life, church, and ministry. Click on the link below to see a copy of our course and professor assessment questionnaire. This information provides qualitative data for the academic affairs team and faculty related to continual instructional improvement.

In the professor and course evaluations for the 2022-2023 academic year:

  • When students were asked to evaluate their professor as excellent, good, average, fair, or poor, 94% rated their professor as either excellent or good.
  • When students were asked to evaluate their course as excellent, good, average, fair, or poor, 93% rated the course as either excellent or good.
  • When students were asked if they planned to take another course at BTS, 95% responded, yes.

Student and Graduate Statistics

  • Of the men who graduated from the Master of Divinity program between 2021-2023, 83% have been ordained and are faithfully engaged in church ministry, while the remainder are actively engaged in ministry work while seeking a call.
  • Between 2013-2023, BTS students graduating with a Master of Divinity took an average of over eight years to complete their degree, with completion times ranging from five to 14 years.
  • Among graduates of the Master of Divinity program from 2021-2023, 50% are affiliated with the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA), 33% are affiliated with the Baptist Church, and 17% are affiliated with other Reformed (international) denomination(s).
  • For the 2022-2023 academic year, 73% of our student population are graduate students, 10% are doctoral students, and 17% are certificate students.

Graduation Rates

  • Master - 43% of students enrolled graduated with a Masters degree
  • Master of Arts - 89% of students enrolled graduated with a Master of Arts degree.
  • MDiv - 35% of students enrolled graduated with a Master of Divinity degree.
  • DMin - 21% of students enrolled graduated with a Doctorate of Ministry degree.

Graduation rates were determined by calculating the total number of students in each degree program, then dividing the number of graduates by the total enrollment. The graduation rate was produced by calculating ten years' worth of data, from 2013-2023. Our graduation rates reflect the substantial growth in new student enrollments BTS has enjoyed over the past two to three years, with rapid expansion beginning in 2023. This trend is expected to be evident in our graduation percentages starting from spring 2028.

Faculty Orthodoxy

To help ensure faithfulness to the doctrinal standards and mission of BTS, each faculty member must annually reaffirm one of the following historic creeds of faith:

  • Philadelphia Confession
  • Westminster Confession
  • London Confession of 1689
  • Heidelberg Catechism

To promote continuous improvement of our academic programs, the BTS academic leadership team annually reviews and shares student feedback with faculty, evaluates course syllabi and outcomes effectiveness, and reassess program curriculum.

Interested in Taking a Course?

As part of a diverse community of learners, you will be taught courses by pastor/professors that are academically excellent, biblically faithful, and ministry-oriented, equipping you for a life of ministry and humble leadership in Christ.