Getting Started With BTS

Where Faith & Affordability Go Hand in Hand.

Easy Enrollment Process: Affordable Theology Programs for All

1. Complete the BTS 'Start Your Journey' Form

Beginning your educational journey at BTS starts with a simple yet crucial step: filling out the 'Start Your Journey' form. This initial form is your opportunity to share your aspirations, background, and spiritual journey with us.

2. Talk to a BTS Admissions Staff Member

After submitting your form, the next step is a personal conversation with a member of our BTS Admissions staff. Our team will walk you through the official application process, answer any questions you may have, and discuss how BTS can support your educational and spiritual development

3. Determine the Best Class Delivery System for Your Needs

BTS recognizes that every student's situation is unique, which is why we offer multiple class delivery systems. Whether you prefer the traditional classroom setting, online courses, or a hybrid approach, we're here to help you find the perfect fit for your lifestyle and learning preferences.

4. Finish the Application and Sign Up for Your First Class

With a wide range of courses designed to enrich your understanding and practice of theology, BTS is ready to guide you through each step of your educational journey. Enroll in your first class and start transforming your passion into purpose.

Interested in Taking a Course?

As part of a diverse community of learners, you will be taught courses by pastor/professors that are academically excellent, biblically faithful, and ministry-oriented, equipping you for a life of ministry and humble leadership in Christ.